We provide hyperlinks to third party sites for reference or additional information. This use is made in good faith to extend the information on Fix-IT from notoriously public websites. Should this not be the case or if the author of a linked third-party site wishes certain links to the sites for which he / she is responsible to be removed, he / she may notify us via the contact form so that we can proceed to the deletion of the incriminated hyperlinks as soon as possible.
Governing Law and Jurisdiction
Any dispute in connection with the use of the site www.fix-it.be is subject to Belgian law. The courts of Brussels have exclusive jurisdiction.
Email Exchanges
The information provided in the emails sent by Fix-IT are reserved for the only recipient (s) designated in it, they can be confidential, protected by professional secrecy or constitute a secret of Business, and their disclosure prohibited. If you are not the designated recipient (s) of a message, its redistribution and any use of its content (preservation, reproduction, distribution, disclosure, total or partial, etc.) are prohibited, please destroy any copy in your possession and immediately notify the issuer that you have received this message in error.
E-mail messages may transmit computer viruses, may not be reproduced faithfully on other systems, or may be intercepted, falsified or destroyed without the knowledge of the sender or recipients. Fix-IT declines all responsibility in this regard. Fix-IT reserves the right to intercept, monitor and block messages from or to its systems in accordance with applicable laws.