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5G will reach 1.5 billion users by 2024

An increasingly fast and more responsive internet connection … that’s what the 5G promises to be in the first half of 2019.

Today, people are spending countless hours on their smartphone and the internet.

However, the 4G connection is not yet sufficiently powerful.  

The appearance of 5G is therefore expected and according to a report published by Ericsson, the 5G will propose a massive increase of speed and responsiveness.

Ericsson expects to reach more than 40% of the world’s population and to cover 1.5 billion people by the end of 2024. According to researchers, mobile data consumption will be multiplied by 4 and will increase to 21 GB.

5G networks will cover 25% of global mobile data traffic. Deployment will begin in North America and Northeast Asia, followed by Western Europe.

For connected devices, this number is expected to reach 4.1 billion in 2024.

According to Ericsson, the IoT market will be multiplied by five, that is to say it will reach 3.5 billion units while today it is 700 million.

Ericsson puts a lot of hope into the launch of 5G.

And we also hope that the performance will live up to it.  

A nice surprise so for this beginning of 2019 and happy new year to all 😉

For more info, here’s the full report from Ericsson. Click-here

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